So Cool

I am going to keep this short sweet and to the point…

Sunday I had the privilege of speaking at church. You can listen to the podcast by clicking on this link here.

Anyway… my grandma hart was there and she became a Christian just before we served communion yesterday! SO STOKED!!! Many of you know she has a few leg problems and knee issues that normally make it difficult for her to get up quickly or gracefully but when she found out that we were serving communion she “jumped up” (like a 80yr old does- not like Michael Jordon but still very cool) and walked down the isle to take communion!!!

I hope you can rejoice in our new/older sister Mary Hart who is a precious child in the patient Father’s eyes! To think, He has waited over 80 years for her to come home and he she is… Praise God!!!!

I love you all and rejoice alongside of you and the angels in heaven!


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