just some thoughts

hey everyone,

hope you are all doing well. Cade and I have been living the single parent life the past week as Nick has been at a conference and man does it give me more and more respect for single parents. I don’t know how they do it. I’m exhausted and both Cade and I are getting over being sick but it has also been amazing. Cade and I got to spend 2 days with my mother in law and it was so much fun. Today we went to the beach in the morning and I was just thanking the Lord for this amazing place we live in and for all the blessings and trials we have experienced since we have been here. This past week as I’ve been on my own with Cade I have really been challenged by the Lord with the idea of not putting limitations out for myself or the Lord. Instead of stressing, running to others for prayer when i’m exhausted (not a bad thing) but to first run straight to the Lord and give Him my full trust and believe that He is Lord and capable of providing everything I need. It’s been such a cool time of practicing minute by minute turning every thought over to the Lord. It’s hard but I have just been enjoying the freedom it brings. Well I need to run but wanted to update you all and encourage u to trust who the Lord is and that He is a good and loving God.


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